MythBusters: Dispelling Drug Testing Myths
March 13, 2024, 12:00 – 1:30 PM
What is fact and what is fiction? Using the popular Discovery Channel’s show “MythBusters” as a launching point, this webinar will investigate and evaluate many of the popular myths associated with drug testing. Can excess body fat cause a THC-positive drug test weeks after the last use? Can eating a poppy seed bagel result in a positive opiate test? Can drinking vinegar or cranberry juice mask drug use? Is blood testing a good alternative to urine testing for detecting a drug use infraction? This presentation aims to “prove” or “bust” the myths your participants use to rationalize unfavorable drug testing results. Learn to be savvier than your clients.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss why participants “invent” excuses or use myths in an attempt to provide alternative explanations for a positive drug test
- Recognize that honesty is a proximate goal
- Demonstrate the ability to separate excuses and myths into either fact or fiction categories
About the Presenter

Paul L. Cary, M.S.
Mr. Cary retired as director of the Toxicology and Drug Monitoring Laboratory at the University of Missouri Health Care in Columbia Missouri in 2015. For forty years, Mr. Cary was actively involved in the management of a nationally recognized toxicology laboratory that performed drug testing for treatment courts, hospitals, mental health facilities, attorneys, coroners and medical examiners, athletic programs, and public and private employers. He has authored numerous scientific publications and monographs, has served on a variety of clinical and technical advisory committees, taught at the university, was involved in drug testing research, and served as a consultant in toxicology-related matters. Mr. Cary has also provided judicial education including lecturing at the National Judicial College on alcohol pharmacology, the use of expert testimony, and drug testing issues. He has been certified as an expert and provided expert testimony in court (local, state, and federal) and in labor arbitration and is a member of the Society of Forensic Toxicology. Mr. Cary has been a resource to treatment court teams throughout the nation and overseas and serves as visiting faculty for AllRise, the Center for Court Innovation, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and the Treatment Court Institute.
About the Moderator

Christine McKenna, MS, LICSW, MLADC, CCTP
NEARCP Board of Directors member since 2015
Director, Rockingham County Drug Treatment Court – NH
Continuing Education Credits
This webinar has been approved by the New England Addiction Technology Transfer Center, as a National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) Approved Education Provider, for 1.5 educational credit (CE), NAADAC Provider #62652.
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