Disclaimer: NEARCP, the judges, and the other participants do not endorse any products from exhibitors or sponsors. In addition, the views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policy of NEARCP, the judges and the other participants; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by NEARCP, the judges and the other participants.
Bronze Level Sponsor Website Links:
- Alkermes: https://www.alkermes.com/
- AutoMon: https://automon.com/
- Averhealth: https://averhealth.com/
- Aware Recovery Care: https://www.awarerecoverycare.com/
- CleanSlate: https://www.cleanslatecenters.com/
- GateHouse: https://www.gatehousene.com/
- Gavin Foundation: https://www.gavinfoundation.org/
- MASH: https://mashsoberhousing.org/
- Micro-Distributing: https://www.micro-distributing.com/
- Pear Therapeutics: https://peartherapeutics.com/
- NEATTC: https://attcnetwork.org/centers/new-england-attc/home
- Reconnect: https://reconnect.io/
- ThermoFisher Scientific: https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home.html
- Vermont Law & Graduate School: https://www.vermontlaw.edu/
- USDTL: https://www.usdtl.com/
Vendor Level Sponsor Website Links:
- AdCare Hospital: https://adcare.com/
- Advocates: https://www.advocates.org/
- Alcoholics Anonymous: https://www.aa.org/
- ABSL https://altbio.com/
- CCI MRT: https://www.ccimrt.com/
- AHP DIMS: https://www.ahpnet.com/
- Indivior: https://www.indivior.com/en
- The Megan House Foundation: https://themeganhouse.org/
- Orexo: https://orexo.com/
- RecoveryWorks: https://therecoveryworks.org/
- PharmChek: https://www.pharmchek.com/
- Spectrum: https://www.spectrumhealthsystems.org/
- NE Region of NA: https://nerna.org/
- Oxford House: https://m.choosehelp.com/rehab/oxford-house-abbott-street-nashua-newhampshire-63388
- Recovery Connection: https://drughelp.com/
- Rockland Recovery Treatment Centers: https://www.rocklandrecovery.com/
- Smart Start: https://www.smartstartinc.com/
Federal, National, and Regional Partners Website Links:
- Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance: //bja.ojp.gov/
- Justice for Vets: https://justiceforvets.org/
- National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP): NADCP.org
- National Drug Court Institute (NDCI): NDCI.org
- Regional Judicial Opioid Initiative (RJOI), National Council of State Courts (NCSC): ncsc.org/amw-rjoi
- Center for Court Innovation (CCI): courtinnovation.org
State Partners Website Links:
- Connecticut Division of Criminal Justice: ct.gov/csao/site/default.asp
- Maine Judicial Branch: courts.maine.gov/
- Maine Administrative Office of the Courts: courts.maine.gov/maine_courts/admin/index.shtml
- Maine Office of Behavioral Health: https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/samhs/
- Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services: mass.gov/orgs/bureau-of-substance-addiction-services
- Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security: mass.gov/topics/executive-office-of-public-safety-and-security
- Massachusetts Trial Court: mass.gov/orgs/executive-office-of-the-trial-court
- New Hampshire Judicial Branch: courts.state.nh.us
- Rhode Island Judicial Branch: courts.ri.gov
- Vermont Court Administrator’s Office vermontjudiciary.org/JC/CourtAdminOffice.aspx