Bronze Level Sponsor Website Links:
- Alkermes: https://www.alkermes.com/
- AutoMon: https://automon.com/
- Averhealth: https://averhealth.com/
- Aware Recovery Care: https://www.awarerecoverycare.com/
- CleanSlate: https://www.cleanslatecenters.com/
- GateHouse: https://www.gatehousene.com/
- Gavin Foundation: https://www.gavinfoundation.org/
- MASH: https://mashsoberhousing.org/
- Micro-Distributing: https://www.micro-distributing.com/
- Pear Therapeutics: https://peartherapeutics.com/
- NEATTC: https://attcnetwork.org/centers/new-england-attc/home
- Reconnect: https://reconnect.io/
- ThermoFisher Scientific: https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home.html
- Vermont Law & Graduate School: https://www.vermontlaw.edu/
- USDTL: https://www.usdtl.com/
Vendor Level Sponsor Website Links:
- AdCare Hospital: https://adcare.com/
- Advocates: https://www.advocates.org/
- Alcoholics Anonymous: https://www.aa.org/
- ABSL https://altbio.com/
- CCI MRT: https://www.ccimrt.com/
- AHP DIMS: https://www.ahpnet.com/
- Indivior: https://www.indivior.com/en
- The Megan House Foundation: https://themeganhouse.org/
- Orexo: https://orexo.com/
- RecoveryWorks: https://therecoveryworks.org/
- PharmChek: https://www.pharmchek.com/
- Spectrum: https://www.spectrumhealthsystems.org/
- NE Region of NA: https://nerna.org/
- Oxford House: https://m.choosehelp.com/rehab/oxford-house-abbott-street-nashua-newhampshire-63388
- Recovery Connection: https://drughelp.com/
- Rockland Recovery Treatment Centers: https://www.rocklandrecovery.com/
- Smart Start: https://www.smartstartinc.com/
Federal, National, and Regional Partners Website Links:
- Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance: //bja.ojp.gov/
- Justice for Vets: https://justiceforvets.org/
- National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP): NADCP.org
- National Drug Court Institute (NDCI): NDCI.org
- Regional Judicial Opioid Initiative (RJOI), National Council of State Courts (NCSC): ncsc.org/amw-rjoi
- Center for Court Innovation (CCI): courtinnovation.org
State Partners Website Links:
- Connecticut Division of Criminal Justice: ct.gov/csao/site/default.asp
- Maine Judicial Branch: courts.maine.gov/
- Maine Administrative Office of the Courts: courts.maine.gov/maine_courts/admin/index.shtml
- Maine Office of Behavioral Health: https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/samhs/
- Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services: mass.gov/orgs/bureau-of-substance-addiction-services
- Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security: mass.gov/topics/executive-office-of-public-safety-and-security
- Massachusetts Trial Court: mass.gov/orgs/executive-office-of-the-trial-court
- New Hampshire Judicial Branch: courts.state.nh.us
- Rhode Island Judicial Branch: courts.ri.gov
- Vermont Court Administrator’s Office vermontjudiciary.org/JC/CourtAdminOffice.aspx