New video featuring stories of six drug court graduates in New England

NEARCP is Honoring 25 Years of Recovery Courts in New England

The New England Association of Recovery Court Professionals (NEARCP), is a non-profit consortium of professionals working with and in recovery courts across six states:  Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.  Our members work across all recovery court dimensions and include judges, lawyers, treatment providers, case managers, probation and law enforcement officers, and other professionals.  Together, we address current and emerging issues confronting recovery courts with timely and critical training and technical assistance. The NEARCP promotes regional coordination to address challenges common in New England treatment courts and develops collective policies and practices responsive to those challenges. With a central forum and repository of resources relevant to the development, operation, and administration of recovery courts, the NEARCP is here to help your recovery court community.

Sign Up for the New NEARCP Online Discussion Forum

Join the NEARCP Forum to stay connected to recovery court professionals throughout New England. Share experience with COVID practices, discuss conference and webinar content, and problem solve with other experts in the field. This forum provides an opportunity to network, collaborate and discuss emerging issues facing recovery courts today. The Forum will allow you to extend your discussion from conference workshops, other training sessions and webinars. The Forum had begun and you are welcome to create a login now.