Past Webinar:
How to Best Treat and Manage Methamphetamine Use
October 4, 2023
Psychostimulants, mostly methamphetamine, are now the second leading contributor to overdose deaths in the U.S., behind synthetic opioids. The use of meth has progressed from the West Coast to the East and is becoming more common on the eastern seaboard. Until now, it may not have been common in your treatment courts, but it is becoming more prevalent, particularly since it is increasingly packaged with other street drugs without the user knowing it is there. However, its previous infrequency on the East Coast may have resulted in courts being unfamiliar with the differences in the presentation, management, and treatment of meth compared to other substances. This presentation will familiarize you with how to recognize signs of meth use, overdose, and withdrawal. It will provide your court with specific strategies for managing meth user’s behavior, the roles of different court team members, and the most effective treatments for meth addiction. Finally, it will help guide you and your court as meth use becomes more common among your treatment court participants.

About the Presenters

Brian L. Meyer, Ph.D, LCP
Brian L. Meyer, Ph.D, LCP, is a clinical psychologist and the psychology program manager and supervisory psychologist for the community-based outpatient clinics at the Central Virginia VA Health Care System and an assistant professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University. He obtained his AB from Harvard University in 1989 and his PhD in clinical psychology with a specialization in adolescents and families from Duke University in 1990. Dr. Meyer has worked in the child welfare and the child and adult mental health fields as a clinician, administrator, teacher, policy maker, program developer, expert witness, researcher, consultant, and trainer. He has been the deputy clinical director of the New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Department Protective Services Division; READ MORE

Helen Harberts
Helen Harberts has been working on criminal justice since 1983, serving as a prosecutor and chief probation officer. As a chief probation officer, she started one of the first 40 DWI courts in the United States. She wrote the community supervision chapter of the National Drug Court Institute (NDCI) Judicial Benchbook and co-wrote the Supervision Guiding Principles of DWI Courts. She continues to train on supervision matters across the United States.
About the Moderator

Hon. Tina L. Nadeau
Chief Justice, New Hampshire Superior Court
NEARCP Board of Directors