2022 Conference Presentations
2022 Conference Presentations PDF/Presentation Files: Helen Harberts Termination in Treatment CourtsA1: Improving Commun. Multi Disc Team 1B1: Moving Beyond Compl. Lasting Change10 NADCP Jud Bench…
2022 Conference Presentations PDF/Presentation Files: Helen Harberts Termination in Treatment CourtsA1: Improving Commun. Multi Disc Team 1B1: Moving Beyond Compl. Lasting Change10 NADCP Jud Bench…
Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network https://attcnetwork.org/
National Institutes of Health https://www.nih.gov/
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) https://bja.ojp.gov/ The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) was created in 1984 to reduce violent crime, create safer communities, and reform…
National Drug Court Institute https://www.ndci.org/ The National Drug Court Institute (NDCI) was formed in 1997 in response to a great need for standardized, evidence-based training…
National Association of Drug Court Professionals https://www.nadcp.org/ Treatment courts are the most successful intervention in our nation’s history for leading people living with substance use…
SAMHSA https://www.samhsa.gov/ SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.
Rhode Island Judiciary – Adult Drug Court Program https://www.courts.ri.gov/Courts/SuperiorCourt/Pages/Adult%20Drug%20Court.aspx Since 2005, the Adult Drug Court Program has resulted in impressive and measurable success in changing…
Vermont Judiciary – Treatment and Specialty Dockets https://www.vermontjudiciary.org/programs-and-services/treatment-and-specialty-dockets The Vermont Judiciary operates treatment court dockets and specialty dockets throughout the state. These dockets offer individuals…
Cannabis policy has undergone rapid change in New England over the past decade. All New England states have some form of medical cannabis policy, while now four of the six states have legalized cannabis for adult use. This presentation will take a look at what is happening with cannabis policy in New England, examine the potential implications for risk factors associated with cannabis use disorder, and what the emerging science is telling us in terms of how to reduce harms for those who may be using cannabis.