

Forum is a section of the NEARCP WordPress site that is dedicated to discussions. Users (Subscribers) can log in, see the forum discussion topics and replies and they can post a reply. Additionally, the subscribers will be able to submit a topic for the moderators to review and if approved the moderators will create that topic to allow discussions within it. 


How to signup for the forum:


Navigate to where you’ll be asked to input your name, email and organization. The moderator will be notified of your submission and will activate your account manually over the next few business days. This ensures the quality and safety of our forum discussions. Once the moderator activates your account you’ll receive an email to set your password.


How to view the forum:


To view the forum one must be logged in. Login by hovering over “Forum” navigation button on the top right navigation of the NEARCP website and clicking the “Log in” button.


Once you are logged in you can navigate to the “Forum” tab on the NEARCP website’s navigation bar. 


You’ll see that the forum page has a list of topics with some information, as well as a sidebar on the right with widgets for searching the forum, submitting a discussion topic (this is for the subscribers, moderators please see the “How to create a topic” documentation below), recent replies, recent topics and a widget to log out.


By clicking on a given topic you can see the replies and thus the conversations that are going on.


How to make a reply


Subscribers can reply with text and can also add links to resources. (Please use your discretion and common sense when clicking on links other users have put up.) Click on the “Add Reply” button to pull up the reply form. 

Here you can craft your reply, add tags (searchable keywords that are pertinent to your reply), and feel free to check the box to receive notifications to this reply via email.

Youtube and Vimeo links become video boxes automatically once they submit. For example, this becomes a playable video widget.

Currently, we are not going to allow for file uploads to our website. Subscribers are encouraged to share outbound links to reputable sites only.


Add a Discussion Topic


The forum is organized by topics for discussion. If you find that an important discussion topic is missing you can suggest it to the moderators by filling out the “Add a Discussion Topic” form, found below the topics on the Forum page. Please allow the moderator(s) a few days to review your topic suggestion. They will notify you with information regarding the topic addition.


Subscribing to Topic Notifications

If you login to the forum and navigate to a topic you will see all the replies on the website. In addition to that If you would like to receive email notifications regarding a reply to a given topic please select the “Subscribe” button in the top right corner of the topic’s page. If you wish to unsubscribe click “Unsubscribe” (which will be available if you are indeed subscribed).


How to Change my Password

To change your password, log in to the site and go to the top-right icon with your user name and select edit profile there and you’ll be able to change your password.