Building Bridges to Recovery: From the Courthouse to the Community

December 4, 2024, 12:00PM – 1:30PM

Discover the power of recovery capital in this engaging session designed to help treatment court teams initiate and support their participants’ lasting recovery. Learn how to guide participants in identifying and building their personal, social, community, and cultural capital using a range of traditional and unconventional resources.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the importance of building recovery capital to support long-term recovery and how to assess participants’ strengths and barriers in each research-supported domain of recovery capital.
  • Discover/develop untapped community and cultural resources to help participants achieve and maintain recovery.
  • Learn how to help participants recognize recovery capital deficits and find affordable, accessible community and nontraditional solutions beyond treatment court.

Meet Our Presenters

Judge Diane Bull is a retired judge who presided on the criminal bench in Houston, Texas for 24 years. Prior to her judicial service, she pursued her legal career as a prosecutor, a defense attorney and as legal counsel for a large law enforcement organization. She is an award-winning judge who serves on the Governor’s Texas Specialty Court Advisory Council. In her tenure on the bench, she co-founded and presided over the Harris County SOBER DWI Court program and chaired the jurisdiction’s Specialty Courts Committee for many years.

Helen Harberts has been working on criminal justice since 1983, serving as a prosecutor and chief probation officer. As a chief probation officer, she started one of the first 40 DWI courts in the United States. She wrote the community supervision chapter of the National Drug Court Institute (NDCI) Judicial Benchbook and co-wrote the Supervision Guiding Principles of DWI Courts. She continues to train on supervision matters across the United States.


Hon. Tina L. Nadeau

  • Chief Justice, New Hampshire Superior Court (Ret.)
  • NEARCP Board of Directors member

Continuing Education Credits

This webinar has been approved by the New England Addiction Technology Transfer Center, as a National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) Approved Education Provider, for 1.5 educational credit (CE), NAADAC Provider #62652.

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